Configuring the Environment

By default, the configuration files reside in the user’s home directory. However, two environment variables, ODBCINI and ODBCSYSINI, can be used to specify different locations for the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini configuration files. Set ODBCINI to point to your odbc.ini file. Set ODBCSYSINI to point to the directory containing the odbcinst.ini file. For example, if your odbc.ini file is located in /etc and your odbcinst.ini file is located in /usr/local/odbc, then set the environment variables as follows:

export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini export ODBCSYSINI=/usr/local/odbc
export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini export ODBCSYSINI=/usr/local/odbc

For version 2.1.8 and above, you must also set MAPRHIVEINI to point to the mapr.hiveodbc.ini file in the user's home directory:

export MAPRHIVEINI=/etc/.mapr.hiveodbc.ini

For version 2.1.5 and below, you set MAPRINI to point to the mapr.hiveodbc.ini file in the user's home directory:

export MAPRINI=/<user_home>/.mapr.hiveodbc.ini