Configure MapR-SASL Authentication for HiveServer 2

About this task

MapR-SASL is available starting with the 1504 release of Hive 0.13 and Hive 1.0. However, the configuration requirements for MapR-SASL differ based on the version of Hive that you have installed:
  • As of Hive 0.13-1501, Hive 1.0-1510, and Hive 1.2-1510, MapR-SASL and PAM are enabled by default on a secure cluster; no configuration is required. Complete the steps below if you want HiveServer2 to only accept MapR-SASL authentication.
  • In Hive 0.13-1508 and Hive 1.0-1508, MapR-SASL is not the default and must be configured.
  • In Hive 0.13-1504 and Hive 1.0-1504, MapR-SASL is the default authentication method when the cluster is secure. No configuration is required.


  1. Configure the following property in hive-site.xml on each node where HiveServer2 is installed:
    Property Value
    hive.server2.authentication MAPRSASL
    <property> <name>hive.server2.authentication</name> <value>MAPRSASL</value></property>
  2. Restart HiveServer2 to apply these changes.
    maprcli node services -name hs2 -action restart -nodes <comma separated list of