Authentication for Hive Metastore

You can configure authentication for in-bound client connections to the Hive Metastore when the metastore is remote, not embedded. Clients of Hive Metastore include the HiveCLI, HCatalog, HiveServer2, and WebHCat.
Hive Metastore supports the following authentication methods:
  • MapR-SASL authentication
  • Kerberos Authentication

MapR-SASL Authentication

MapR-SASL is available starting with the 1504 release of Hive 0.13 and Hive 1.0 and it is the default authentication method when the cluster is secure.

Kerberos Authentication

When the cluster is secure, you can configure Hive Metastore to use Kerberos authentication. You must also configure Hive Metastore clients to use Kerberos when authenticating with Hive Metastore.