Drill 1.8.0 Release Notes

The following release notes apply to the 1.8.0 version of the Apache Drill component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform.
Version 1.8.0
Release Date September 12, 2016
MapR Version Interoperability MapR Drill 1.8.0 is certified on the MapR v5.1.0 converged data platform. See Interoperability Matrix and Drill Support Matrix.
Drill (Warden)
RedHat/CentOS: mapr-drill-
Ubuntu: mapr-drill_1.8.0.201609121537_all.deb
Drill (YARN)
RedHat/CentOS: mapr-drill-yarn-
Ubuntu: mapr-drill-yarn_1.8.0.201609121537_all.deb

Noteworthy New Features in the MapR Distribution of Drill

This release provides enhanced query improvements with the following bug fixes and improvements:
Additional bug fixes and enhancements listed in the Apache Drill 1.7.0 Release Notes and the Apache Drill 1.8.0 Release Notes.
NOTE Currently, you cannot use the MapR Installer to install or upgrade to Drill 1.8. Support for this feature will be available soon.

Resolved Issues

The following table lists resolved issues in Drill 1.8.0:
Issue Description
MD-1047 Query time is improved for simple queries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES when there are many views.
MD-1044 Queries no longer get stuck in the CANCELLATION_REQUESTED state.
MD-1042 CTAS queries that contain an INNER JOIN and UNION no longer produce an inefficient query plan and resource errors.
MD-1030 Partition pruning now works correctly when optimization is applied to queries that contain an IN list with more multiple lines.
MD-949 Flatten on CONVERT_FROM no longer fails with a ClassCastException.
MD-904 Drill no longer throws an array index out of bound exception when reading a parquet file written by a mapreduce program.
MD-901 Drill no longer produces a Java compilation error for large queries with many CASE and CAST expressions.
MD-895 Drill queries no longer produce memory leaks.
MD-888 Queries no longer fail with a "Connection timed out" error.
MD-878 The RANK() window function no longer returns the wrong results for large datasets.
MD-746 Queries no longer hang when fragment 0 is running.
MD-727 Drill returns null values for non-existent columns in MapR Database JSON tables.
MD-603 Drill now returns the directory structure associated with a workspace.
MD-509 Drill no longer returns a NumberFormatException error when casting an empty string to int in HBase/MapR Database.

Known Issues

Issue Description
MD-1076 Drill drops NULL fields when writing to a JSON file.
MD-1073 Queries on ORC tables no longer take an unusually long time when Drill runs for multiple days without restart.
MD-1061 Queries on Hive ORC tables fail with a "does not have access to maprfs:///" error.
MD-892 The drill-env.sh script does not set the file client read ahead throttle environment variable.
MD-833 Queries submitted from Tableau produce IndexOutOfBoundsException errors.


See Drill-on-YARN Limitations.