Drill 1.8.0-1703 Release Notes

The following release notes apply to the 1.8.0 version of the Apache Drill component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform.

Version 1.8.0
Release Date April 2017
MapR Version Interoperability MapR Drill 1.8.0 is certified on the MapR v5.1.0 converged data platform. See the Interoperability Matrix and Drill Support Matrix.
Package Names Package Names for Ezmeral Ecosystem Packs (EEPs)

New in This Release

No new features.


This MapR release includes the following fixes on the base release:

MapR Fix Number Description
MD-1314 The same query no longer produces different results when using the flatten operator.
MD-1217 The JDBC client randomly chooses a Drillbit in the cluster instead of selecting the first one in the list.
MD-1142 A simple query with a where condition on a particular column is no longer getting an illegalstateexception.
MD-1127 Drill 1.8.0 sandbox is now able to start even when loopback address is detected.
MD-1117 Queries for a single row group and single parquet file no longer take 6 seconds.
MD-1109 Queries that include the flatten function are no longer cancelled.
Drill-5159 Drill MergeProjectRule now operates on Calcite logical convention.
Drill-5094 Comparator guarantees transitive attribute.
Drill-5032 Drill query on hive parquet table no longer fails with OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Drill-4927 Drill now supports null equality joins.
Drill-4911 SimpleParallelizer now avoids plan serialization for logging purpose when debug logging is not enabled.

Known Issues and Limitations

For known issues, see the Drill 1.8.0 release notes.

For limitations, see Drill-on-YARN Limitations

Resolved Issues
