Hive 1.2.1-1605 Release Notes

Below are release notes for the Hive component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive 1.2.1 changelog or the Apache Hive homepage.

Hive Version 1.2.1
Release Date June 6, 2016
MapR Version Interoperability See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix (Pre-5.2 releases)
Source on GitHub
Maven Artifacts
Package Names The following packages are associated with this release:
  • mapr-hive-1.2.201606020917-1.noarch.rpm
  • mapr-hive_1.2.201606020917_all.deb
  • mapr-hivemetastore-1.2.201606020917-1.noarch.rpm
  • mapr-hivemetastore_1.2.201606020917_all.deb
  • mapr-hiveserver2-1.2.201606020917-1.noarch.rpm
  • mapr-hiveserver2_1.2.201606020917_all.deb
  • mapr-hivewebhcat-1.2.201606020917-1.noarch.rpm
  • mapr-hivewebhcat_1.2.201606020917_all.deb


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
0304149f 2016-05-20 MAPR-22357: The buffer underflow (while performing Hive queries) caused by small Kryo buffer size is now fixed with a new parameter, hive.kryo.buffer.size in hive-site.xml file, which can be used to control Kryo buffer size. The default value for Kryo buffer size is now 10 * 4096.
b3e811b 2016-05-12 MAPR-23302: ListBucketing tables with uppercase skew values can now be created.
5673a07 2016-05-11 MAPR-23221: The mismatch between the MapR native library included in the standalone Hive JDBC jar file and the native library in MapR is now fixed. The standalone Hive JDBC jar file no longer inlcudes MapR native library.
130887f 2016-05-10 MAPR-22222: The delay as a result of a single reduce task in the last stage is now fixed with a new parameter, hive.groupby.limit.extrastep, which can be used to enable or disable a new MR job for sorting the final output.
b48f8e6 2016-05-10 MAPR-23264: The issue with access to Hive 1.2 table data is now fixed.
0b3fa65 2016-04-28 MAPR-23220: The issue that caused IndexOutOfBoundsException when running a query in Hive 1.2 is now fixed.
7976893 2016-04-28 MAPR-23029: Changed the Primary Key for table PARTITION_STATS_V2 from varchar(4000) to varchar(3072) as MySQL does not support varchar(4000) as Primary Key.
fa8e936 2016-04-26 HIVE-12469: The commons-collections 3.2.1 library that allowed invocation of arbitrary code is now replaced with commons-collections 3.2.2 to resolve this issue.
703c2f3 2016-04-25 MAPR-23153: Hive will no longer create scratch dir with incorrect permissions when a CTAS query is run. If CTAS query is run, now, the table root directory with correct permissions from fs.permissions.umask-mode will be created first and then the scratch dir with permissions from hive.scrach.dir.permissions will be created.
41a827a 2016-04-14 MAPR-23082: Beeline will no longer fail with NullPointerException when MAPR-SASL is used.
2016-04-14 MAPR-23084: The datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll property in hive-site.xml file is now set to true by default.
9f82b07 2016-04-01 MAPR-22994: The issue causing Hive table creation on existing HBase table to fail has been fixed.