Hive 0.13.0-1603 Release Notes

Below are release notes for the Hive component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform.

Version 0.13
Release Date April 2016
MapR Version Interoperability

See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix (Pre-5.2 releases).

Source on GitHub

Maven Artifacts

Package Names The following packages are associated with this release:

Feature Support

MapR does not support Hive on Spark. Therefore, you cannot use Spark as an execution engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

GitHub Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
c97788c 2016-03-30 MAPR-22966: Hiveserver2 no longer fails to start when it uses LDAP authentication on a secure cluster.
69487f5 2016-03-28 MAPR-22945: HiveServer2 no longer fails to start when PAM authentication is enabled.
11efd3f 2016-03-25 MAPR-22928: The datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll property is now set to false by default.
145d027 2016-02-19 MAPR-22677: Backported HIVE-8320 and HIVE-4625 so that Hcatalog jobs on secure clusters no longer fail due to the following reasons:
  • HiveServer2 tries to get delegation token from Hive Metastore even if the Hive Metastore is being used in embedded mode
  • Hiveserver2 session is called multiple times
9bfae6f 2016-02-25 MAPR-22719: The HiveServer2 authentication mechanisms is no longer determined incorrectly on MapR 4.0.1.
1df2fa6 2016-03-02 MAPR-22701: Backported HIVE-12875 to reduce the chance of an authorization vulnerability.