Displaying the List of Table Replicas

Describes how to view information on the table replicas using the Control System or the CLI.

Displaying the List of Table Replicas Using the Control System

About this task

To view table replicas:


  1. Log in to the Control System and go to the table information page.
  2. Click Replication.
    The page displays all the replicas and for each replica, the pane displays the following statistics:
    Column Name Column Description
    Paused Whether replication is paused.
    Destination Cluster The cluster on which the replica resides.
    Destination Path The path to the destination.
    Up to Date Whether replica is up-to-date. Data may not be up-to-date for the following reasons:
    • Data Pending — Indicates the amount of data that is yet to be replicated to the replica.
    • Puts Pending — Indicates the number of puts that are yet to be replicated to the replica.
    • Bytes Pending — Indicates the number of bytes that are yet to be replicated to the replica.
    Earliest The epoch time in milliseconds of the oldest operation that is yet to be replicated to the replica.
    Latest The epoch time in milliseconds of the newest operation that is yet to be replicated to the replica.
    Errors Error () information, if any.
    Compression Type The type of on-wire compression.
    Synchronous Whether replication is synchronous or asynchronous.
    Throttled Whether replication is throttled.
    Encrypted Whether replication is encrypted.

Retrieving List of Table Replicas Using the CLI or the REST API

About this task

To view table replicas and associated replica statistics for a table, run the following command:

maprcli table replica list -path <table-path>

For more information, see table replica list