
This topic describes how you can use and run the MapR Installer setup script.

Before you can run the MapR Installer, you must run the script to set up the installation environment on a node that may or may not be part of the cluster. Then, you can run the MapR Installer to perform the installation.

To download and run the script, see MapR Installer.

The script performs the following steps to prepare the node to run the MapR Installer:

  1. Verifies and installs the operating system dependencies and Java requirements on the current node.
  2. Checks for Internet connectivity to the remote repository.
    • If access to is not available, the script prompts for the archive tarballs. Provide the full paths of these tarballs in a space-delimited list.
  3. Asks for the hostname and port that cluster nodes can use to connect to the MapR Installer node.
  4. Asks for the cluster admin user account and creates the account if it does not exist. This account must exist or be created on each node in the cluster.
  5. Sets up a custom yum or apt repository.
    • If no archive file is provided, the script configures access to the repository. For example, on RedHat / CentOS, the script creates the following remote repository: /etc/yum.repos.d/mapr.installer.repo

    • If archive files are provided, the script sets up a local repository.

  6. Starts the MapR Installer.
[docker client]
[docker installer]
[-a <full_path_to_archive_file(s)>]
[-i <full_path_to_installer_package>]
[-p <hostname:port>]
[-r <repository_URL>]


In general, you should run the script without using any additional options. Consider using the following options only if you have a known Internet connectivity issue, your MapR Installer packages are not located in the default repository, or you need help with the installation process.

Option Description
docker client Use this option to create a MapR PACC image. For more information, see Creating a MapR PACC Image Using
docker installer Use this option to create a MapR Installer container.
install Use this option to install the MapR Installer and definition files. If you don't specify an option for, the install option is invoked by default.
./ install
reload Use this option to reinstall the MapR Installer and definition files. This option is helpful in debugging. No prompt is returned when you use this option.
./ reload
remove Use this option to remove the MapR Installer and definition files. This option does not remove the script.
./ remove
update Use this option to update the installer packages. The setup script checks for new packages and installs the packages if they are available.
./ update
-a|--archives Use this option to bypass the Internet connectivity check and directly create a local repository. Specify a space-delimited list of the full paths to the following archive files (the order of the files is important) as an argument to the option:
  • MapR Installer archive
  • Ezmeral Ecosystem Pack (EEP) archive
  • MapR archive for the current release
For more information, see Using a Local, Shared Repository With the MapR Installer.
NOTE Use this option when the MapR Installer node does not have access to the Internet or is behind a restricted VPN or firewall.
Example for Releases 5.2 and later:
./ -a mapr-installer-v1.5.201705041557.deb.tgz 
mapr-mep-v3.0.0.201704051422.deb.tgz mapr-v5.2.1GA.deb.tgz
Example for Releases 5.0 and 5.1:
./ -a mapr-5.0-5.1.201705082100.deb.tar.gz

For Releases 5.0 and 5.1, you only need to provide the core archive file.

-h|--help Use this option to display the command-line help for the MapR Installer.
NOTE If you use this option with other options, the MapR Installer will ignore all options except for -h.
./ -h
-i|--install Use this option to override the MapR Installer packages stored in the remote or local repository. This option take a space-delimited list of the two local packages needed to install the Installer (the order of the files is not important):
  • MapR Installer package
  • MapR Installer definitions package
./ -i mapr-installer-definitions_1.5.201705021610_all.deb 
-n|--noinet Use this option when you don't want to fetch packages from the Internet. Instead of taking the files as an argument like -a, this option prompts you for a complete set of archive files (the order of the files is important):
  • MapR Installer archive
  • Ezmeral Ecosystem Pack (EEP) archive
  • Core archive for the current release
NOTE Configure this option when the MapR Installer node does not have access to the Internet or is behind a restricted VPN or firewall. If you use this option together with -a, will ignore -n.
./ -n
-p|--port This option specifies the hostname:port to use for installation-related communication between the MapR Installer node and other nodes in the cluster. The MapR Installer also adds the hostname provided as a default entry for the list of cluster nodes on the Configure Nodes page. Both the hostname and the port are not required when configuring this option; you can choose to configure one or both values.
NOTE Configure this option when the MapR Installer node has multiple interfaces or hostnames and the result of hostname is not a value that other nodes in the cluster are able to communicate with.
./ -p perfnode131.perf.lab:9441
Use the -r option to specify the repo (typically for a new installation). There is no longer a default repo: Example:
./ -r http://<email>:<token>
-R|--new_repo_url Specify a new repository URL for both ecosystem and MapR core components. Use this option only with the reload command, including the required user name and password, as indicated in Using the HPE Ezmeral Token-Authenticated Internet Repository.
./ -R http://<email>:<token>@<new_url> reload
-v|--verbose Use this option when you want additional information about the setup process.
./ -v
-y|--yes Use this option to bypass the MapR Installer's usual prompts and immediately proceed with the default options. This option produces the same installation result as going through the script prompts and choosing all of the default options, but with increased speed.
./ -y


If you need to stop while it is running, press Ctrl + C. Depending on when you issue the Ctrl + C command, the script either stops or continues to execute until it is able to stop gracefully. You can run the script again or use the remove option, described earlier on this page, to remove the MapR Installer and definition files and then rerun the script.

Another way to exit the script is to answer NO when the script prompts for a YES or NO reply. For example, when the script asks if you want to upgrade dependent packages, if you reply NO, the script exits.

After Running

To validate that the MapR Installer started correctly, do one of the following:
  • Log in to the MapR Installer web interface using the cluster admin user name and password.
  • Run the MapR Installer Stanza exportcommand using the cluster admin user name and password.
If the MapR Installer does not start up correctly, check the logs. See Logs for the MapR Installer.

If you want to change any parameter that you provided to on a previous run (for example, the repository URL, the cluster admin user name, or another parameter), you can safely rerun with the new parameters. Doing so updates the MapR Installer configuration to use the new parameters. However, do not rerun while an installation or a probe command is in progress.

MapR Installer Web Interface

When you run the MapR Installer web interface, it performs the following tasks:

  1. Displays the MapR services and ecosystem components that you can install based on the software version that you select.
  2. Provides the option to install MapR Monitoring.
  3. Guides you through node and cluster configuration.
  4. Verifies that each node meets the node requirements.
  5. Sets a default, configurable service layout across the nodes in the cluster based on the requirements of each service.
  6. Installs or upgrades the MapR software and associated operating-system dependencies.
  7. If you chose to install a trial or community license, it will attempt to apply the license to your cluster.

MapR Installer Stanzas

Running also installs MapR Installer Stanzas. Stanzas give you a script-based tool to perform all the installation tasks you can perform using the MapR Installer web interface. See MapR Installer Stanzas. In addition, Stanza commands make it possible to probe a cluster that was installed without using the MapR Installer and use the import command to set up the installer database. See Using probe and import to Generate the Installer Database.

MapR Installer Components

The MapR Installer uses the following components to set up the installation environment:

Name Filename Description
Configuration Script Script that configures a node to run the MapR Installer. This includes setting up an Internet or local repository. The script can also be used to create a MapR Persistent Application Client Container (PACC) or a MapR Installer Container. For more information, see
Installer Package mapr-installer-<version> Package that contains the MapR Installer.
Installer Definitions Package mapr-installer-definitions-<version> Package that contains the list of software versions, services, and ecosystem components that you can install with the MapR Installer.
Service Packages various

If you use a remote repository, the MapR Installer accesses the installation packages from

If you use a local repository, the MapR Installer accesses the installation packages from the local repository. The script creates the local repository with the packages available in the archive files that you provide to the script. For more information, see Using a Local, Shared Repository With the MapR Installer.